Once Upon a Time...
Little Miss Run-for-your-lives
"Look, I'm not blaming you. I'm just suing you."
The Scoop Join the Tea Party
- Media and internet coverage * Chatter (Leave a comment)
- Scandal * Gossip (What's everyone else saying?)
- Ted Rogers' Apology
The Law Suit Consumer Action
- Don't Take it Personally. I'm only suing you * What Can Consumers Do?
- Sounding in Law * Bad Press Seems to Help
- Rogers' Legal Team * Here's Something That Worked
- Hasn’t This Thing Settled? * Here's Something That Worked Twice
- Summonsing Ted Rogers * Rogers' NEW Prenuptial Agreement
- Anatomy of Summary Judgment
The Trial
- What do you think this is? A tea party?
- About that contract...
- Grammar, Rogers, and legal drafting
- Rogers' change of heart
- Um, your honour, with respect, about that web site...
- Closing Arguments
- Written reasons for judgment
The Legal Ethnography
- Legal Anthropology
- Sounding in the Court of Public Opinion
- Court of Public Opinion
- Grandma, Arbitration, and Apple Pie
- 9 Reasons why Mandatory Arbitration Stinks
- Open Court
- Hungry as a Wolf (by Harry Gefen)
- Whatever Happened to the Hunter? (aka the government)
- From Small Claims Court to Supreme Court
- Attracting Attention
- Media Sluts
- Small Claims Court
- Established Norms
- Crodocile Tears from the Supreme Court